Shakopee Fishing & Firearms - (952) 405-9934

Newly opened Fishing & Firearms store Located on 574 Marschall Road Shakopee, MN. Stop in for excellent quality service!

Our mission is to give our community of Shakopee, MN a long awaited live bait and tackle shop, where you can come in and connect with the owner on a personal basis. We want to work hard at being the only stop you need when shopping for anything fishing related. My promise to all of you is that my word will be the best damn guarantee you will ever get.

We do our utmost best to make sure when you do buy live bait that, #1 - You get all live bait - no dead minnows in the bag, no half way floaters that are going to croak in 5 minutes, but good, fresh LIVE bait, and #2 - that you ALWAYS get the portion you pay for, PLUS a few more to go.

We are a FAMILY owned bait & tackle shop. You will always find myself, my wife, or my sons when you come in, and that you will have a stress free, pleasant and enjoyable time in our store. You are ALWAYS welcome to stop in and shoot the breeze WHENEVER you feel the desire. I'll welcome you with a smile, each and every time.

Please, if there is something you like to fish with, PLEASE let me know and I will do my dangdest best to put your request on a peg and keep it on my wall. I am willing to key you in on all the best fishing holes within the twin cities metro area, plus a few more!!

We have plenty of ample parking in our strip mall. There will be very few times that you won't find a spot close to our front door. We also have a boat lane where you can pull up on the side of our store, come in the side entrance door, and when you're done you can drive around the back of the building and right back out on Marschall road and off to the lake of your choice. It won't get any easier for you guys when you're pulling a boat and trailer behind you. Reverse will not be an option!!!

I want you all to know that I will give you my cell phone number in case you ever want to go fishing outside of my business hours. Dial me up and ask me as early as 5 a.m. or as late as 11 p.m. and I will come down to the shop and open the door to get you what you need. I live only 2 minutes away and can be there in a flash. Please understand I will be armed past 9 p.m. for my own protection. I will also deliver to all lakes within 20 minutes of our store. You will need to make a minimum $20.00 purchase to have bait delivered which will help to cover my vehicle expenses

To all of you - THANK YOU!!! for all your kindness and support thus far as we will continue to be your one stop shop for all your fishing needs. From me personally, I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for any and all of your support as I realize you do have a choice of many stores in our area and to choose our is so very appreciated!!!

Dan Wilkie & Family
Shakopee Bait & Tackle
572 Marschall Rd.
Shakopee, MN 55379

Tags: Fishing,Gun Store

Address & Contact

574 Marschall Rd
(952) 405-9934
Outdoor Gear/Sporting Goods

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