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FTC Disclosure

FTC Disclosure - eListing.us Business Directory

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

At eListing.us, we believe in transparency and honesty. In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, we are committed to disclosing any material connections and affiliations that could influence the content, advertisements, and endorsements on our website. This FTC Disclosure page outlines how we handle such matters.

Affiliate Links and Advertising

eListing.us may include affiliate links to products and services offered by third parties. When you click on these affiliate links and make a purchase, we may earn a commission. This commission does not affect the price you pay for the product or service. We only promote products and services that we believe provide value to our users.

Sponsored Content and Paid Advertisements

From time to time, eListing.us may feature sponsored content or paid advertisements. Sponsored content includes articles, reviews, or posts that are created in collaboration with an advertiser and for which we receive compensation. Paid advertisements include banner ads, promotional graphics, and text ads.

To ensure transparency, we clearly mark all sponsored content and paid advertisements with appropriate disclosures, such as "Sponsored Post," "Advertisement," or similar labels.

Product Reviews and Endorsements

We strive to provide honest and unbiased reviews of products and services. In some cases, we may receive free products, services, or compensation in exchange for reviews or endorsements. When this occurs, we will disclose this information clearly within the content.

Our Commitment to Honesty

Our primary goal is to provide valuable and trustworthy information to our users. We maintain editorial independence and ensure that our reviews, recommendations, and endorsements are based on our honest opinions and experiences. Compensation or free products do not influence our content or opinions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our FTC Disclosure or the content on our website, please contact us at:

Email: admin(at)eListing.us

Updates to This Disclosure

We may update this FTC Disclosure from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this page periodically for the latest information on our disclosure practices.

Thank you for trusting eListing.us as your go-to source for discovering local businesses and services in the USA. We are committed to maintaining transparency and integrity in all our content and practices.