Tupelo Press Teen Writing Center - (434) 960-5193

Developing and enriching the community of teen writers in the Charlottesville area and supporting writing as an art.

We feel that supporting the next generations of young writers is the best way to maintain a literate society. More importantly, a dedicated Teen Writing Center would announce to our youth that writing is as important as sports fields, theaters, art galleries and art centers, and skating rinks.

The Teen Writing Center is supported by Tupelo Press in association with the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, the Writerhouse (we love our meeting space), and the Virginia Book Arts Center (what a gift of an organization).

The Virginia Festival of the Book is granting us two teen panels, one will be a First Pages where all area teens can submit their first page of work for a drawing for review. We would like to bring the National Student Poet from Vienna, Virginia to speak in our schools, but we need funds for travel expenses. Our students have requested more creative writing classes, and we would like to provide small honoraria for that, especially for our local teachers who are helping so much already! Our students would like to create a winter chapbook and a teen anthology in the spring, with all area high schools participating (public, private, and home school) and all teens being invited to submit.

Our teachers would like a local or regional writing contest that could help our youth prepare portfolios for college submissions. The only one we have found is a national Scholastic program, very lofty but with few chances for many local youth to be recognized. A regional program would give our teachers the desired tool, and our youth something to reach for.


Address & Contact

C/O Art on Ivy 2125 Ivy Rd Suite 5
(434) 960-5193
Non-Profit Organization

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