123 Eyes On Me Photography - (515) 556-9928

Lifestyle Photography

My name is Shelly Hughes…and I love to take pictures. I’ve been taking pictures for friends and family for many years, and have had so many people comment ‘Hey – you should do this for a living’, that I finally agreed with them.

So here it is; 123, Eyes On Me Photography. The name was thought up by a wonderful friend, on a wonderful vacation, when I was dutifully shouting ‘1,2,3, eyes on me!’

I am NOT a technically trained photographer, but I am getting close (wink, wink). I simply love to take pictures, and I have a very good eye…for good pictures. I don’t want to stress about your family pictures as much as you don’t want to stress about them ~ I want to have fun, capture that spirit in that sweet little girl’s eye, or the bounce in that little boys step. I want to take moving photos of your newborn son, or follow your pet around and lie in the grass with them. And I want to keep taking pictures of the beautiful things that surround us all, the clouds, the sunset, the landscape ~ maybe someday I’ll even catch the (EARLY morning) sunrise!

My “business model” is a little different than other photographers. I want you to own your pictures to do with them as you please. Make prints, use them as your Facebook backdrop, or send them to all your friends – they are yours, not mine. I only charge for my services – getting the all-important shots and editing them to make sure they look the best, and then turn them all over to you on a flash drive.

Contact me for more information on locations, sittings, price and any other questions you have.

Tags: Photographer

Address & Contact

90 Aidan St
(515) 556-9928
Professional Services

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