Alaska Fresh Seafood - (907) 399-3477

"Alaska Fresh" is a family owned company that supply's Fresh Wild Sockeye Salmon straight from the boat to your table! We're committed to healthful food!

"Alaska Fresh Seafood" is a family owned direct market seafood company. Our goal is to share some of the worlds finest and healthy fish with friends and acquaintance's. Alaska conjures up a wild and unspoiled part of the world and indeed it is! In addition the state is a model for the rest of the world as to it's sustainable fishery practices, we are proud to take part in it and just as proud to provide a product that is meticulously handled from the time we catch it until the time it arrives on your dinner table! Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon that is appealing to the eye as well as the palate, and of course as modern science learns more and more the health benefits, Omega 3s , and other nutrient's are beneficial to us all. With these things in mind we are excited to make it available direct from the fishing grounds to you and have no doubt you are in for a special treat, their is simply no comparison, I am confident you will agree after your first meal!

Tags: Specialty Grocery Store

Address & Contact

23 Frankenfield Rd
(907) 399-3477

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