Al-Minhaal Academy - (908) 500-2706

Al-Minhaal Academy is an Islamic school which offers secular & Islamic education & has a Masjid which establishes all prayers (5-daily, Jumu'ah, Eid, etc.)

The facility offers the following:
- Science lab
- High-tech computer lab
- Library
- Spacious gym
- Over 30 classrooms

Al-Minhaal Academy offers high quality education taught by highly qualified and certified staff with great dedication and experience. The school also offers a small group setting and a challenging curriculum which is designed to be both fun and educational. Our middle and high school classes are segregated. The school has graduated over 30 seniors who have been and continued their education in prestigious universities such as Rutgers University, Seton Hall University, Kean University, Montclair State University, etc.

The Academy is headed by Dr. Ahmed Salem, Ph.D. who has over 20 years of experience in the United States in the field of education, specifically in Islamic Schools such as: Al-Ghazaly School, Madrasatu Ahlus-Sunnah, Darul Arqam, and An-Noor Academy. Along with assisting in Islamic Education in schools, he also assists in educating and counseling incarcerated youth about Islam at the New Jersey Department of Corrections.

The school also has an intensive Tahfeedh program, which graduated over 30 huffaadh (male) and haafidhaat (female) walhamdulillah! The program is currently headed by Sh. Okasha Kameny, who has memorized the Quran himself and both Saheeh Muslim and Bukhara and is certified (ijaazah) in the 10 major narrations of the Quran.

We also have a Masjid which establishes the 5 daily Salahs, Jumu’ah, Eid Salah, etc. and is directed by Sh. Karim AbuZaid (Director of Religious Affairs) and Sh. Okasha Kameny (Director of Quran Program). Sh. Karim has a Maser’s Degree in Fish and is the host of one of Huda TV’s most popular programs, Aqeedah Matters.

We ask Allah to continue to allow us to be of benefit the community and Muslims around the globe and aid us in producing Muslim leaders who will spread the deep of Allah to the coming generations. Ameen!

Al-Minhaal Academy…Where the Future Begins!

Tags: School,Mosque

Address & Contact

1764-A New Durham Rd
South Plainfield
(908) 500-2706

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