American Legion Riders are a program of the American Legion.
This page is about awareness. The American Legion Riders enjoy riding and supporting their community, State, and Nation.
The page is set for public view and shares various events and activities that focus on our veterans, troops, and many programs supported by the American Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary, as well as our Department of WV and our National ALR chairmen.
We are active and participate in various benefits and charity rides, Parades, where we represent our Home Post and the ALR.
We conduct fundraising rides for programs supported by the American Legion, such as the Legacy Scholarship, The Missing in America Project (MIAP) The Mountaineer Boy's State and Rhododendron Girl's State programs ,for education ,etc...
Special fundraising events are sometimes planned for specific reasons...Besides all this we ride for the communities ,in support of programs which benefit many. We ride for Americanism and Patriotism. We ride in honor of our veterans, POW's , and in Respect for those serving our country.
When we are out riding for any cause or event we are representing the American Legion Riders code of honor and respect. We are representing our American Legion department, and our American Legion Home Post.
The ALR is a "Chapter" of the Post (a program of the Legion)
A group of members who enjoy riding and making a difference.