Aristotle Peers - North Chicago - (312) 725-3886

Aristotle Peers (formerly Peer2Peer Tutors) hires top high school and college students to tutor kids in grades K-12.

Want to work for us?

Aristotle Peer Tutors relate to your child and teach academic subjects and study skills in a fun and effective way. All Aristotle Peer Tutors are high-achieving high school and college students who are carefully screened and matched to serve as effective teachers and role models.

Peer tutors make great role models
Any K-12 subject
1:1 in-home tutoring
Role model relationships
Over 60% increase by at least 1 letter grade
Curriculum and session reports included

Strict hiring standards
GPA: 3.8/4.4 weighted
SAT: 92nd percentile
Involved in a variety of extra curricular activities
More research, results, school district approvals

Local and reliable scheduling and support
Your Regional Education Adviser (REA) meets all Aristotle Peer Tutors
Matches the perfect fit Aristotle Peer Tutor with your child
Serves as your liaison for scheduling needs
Acts as your go-to person for any Aristotle Peer related inquires

Choose the package that's right for you:

$45/hr - Pay as You Go
$42.5/hr - 20 hour package
$40/hr - 40 hour package

Additional Package Benefits
* Full refunds for unused hours
* Share any package with siblings
* Break down package into easy installments
* Sessions carry over one school year
* Get discounts on Aristotle Expert services
* Get pilot rates on new products

Tags: Tutoring

Address & Contact

(312) 725-3886

Map & Directions

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