It's been written, it's been edited. But before it goes out to the world, have A Third Eye make sure it's free of costly and embarrassing errors.
A Third Eye Editing
It’s been written,
It’s been edited….
Now it’s time for a Perceptive Third Eye to take it the final distance from “got ’er done” to “couldn’t be better.”
We will check for clarity and accuracy, and we'll act as the final filter before your written piece is released to the public.
Questions you struggled with RESOLVED! Nagging worries ADDRESSED!
Whatever its length or format, from promotional copy to nonfiction articles to more extended works, we’ll wrangle your wording and presentation to make sure you have got things right, but stay true to your intent and sensitive to the uniqueness of your voice.
Editing Platforms—Drupal, InDesign, Microsoft Word