Backwoods Bobcat 827-2918 - (406) 827-2918

When you have a landscaping project that needs to be done, look no further. We provide dependable services with an attention to detail.

When you have a project that needs to be done, look no further. We provide dependable services with an attention to detail. It's old fashioned now, but we do what we say we're going to do. Plain and simple. Our word is bond, and that applies to our deadlines, as well.

Backwoods Bobcat is a Christian owned and operated business, and we know of no better role model than Jesus Christ. The life He lived inspires us and the principles He taught are the basis for all of our decisions. Our primary concern is to live out the two greatest commandments, loving God with all of our being and loving our neighbour as ourself. [ Mark 12:29-31]

We created this business to help others as our neighbours through dedication and focus on doing a good job. We keep an old fashioned attitude about work, and that's that it needs to be done as we promised. More and more, that means creative use of new technology and old school tenacity.

Tags: Landscaping

Address & Contact

Trout Creek
(406) 827-2918

Map & Directions

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