Big Cat Rescue - (813) 920-4130

Big Cat Rescue is a non-profit sanctuary to 100 exotic cats. What makes us different is we are working to END the trade in wild cats. So can you!

* Big Cat Rescue is the largest GFAS accredited sanctuary in the world dedicated entirely to abused and abandoned big cats.
* The nonprofit sanctuary began in 1992.
* The sanctuary is home to appx 100 exotic big cats
* The cats at Big Cat Rescue are here for a variety of reasons, including:
o Abandoned by owners who wrongly thought they would make good pets
o Abused by owners in order to force them to perform
o Retired from performing acts
o Saved from being slaughtered to make fur coats
o Rescued as babies after hunters killed their mothers
* Big Cat Rescue has more than a dozen species of cats, many of whom are threatened or endangered in the wild, including:
o Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Cougars
o Bobcats, Lynx, Servals, Ocelots, Caracals
* Big Cat Rescue’s mission is to provide the best possible home for the animals in our care and try to stop the flow of exotic cats needing sanctuary by educating the public about the plight of the animals and supporting stronger laws to protect them.
* The non-profit organization is:
o Accredited by the Global Federation of Sanctuaries
o Certified by Independent Charities of America as a “Best in America Charity”
o Member of the World Society for Protection of Animals
o The sanctuary is situated on 70 acres in the Citrus Park area of north Tampa.

Florida law requires that all charities soliciting donations disclose their registration number and the percentage of your donation that goes to the cause and the amount that goes to the solicitor. Our registration number is CH-11409 and non-program expenses are funded from tour income, so 100% of your donations go directly to save the cats. We are a 501 c 3 charity as determined by the IRS Federal ID#59-3330495. Our 990s are available online at with a complete breakdown of how your donations are spent.


Big Cat Rescue is the leading voice for ending the abuse and trade in exotic cats and hybrids because it is cruel and serves no conservation purpose. People who abuse, exploit, breed and buy wild cats and hybrids as pets, REALLY, REALLY hate us because we are telling the truth, so they make up lies to try and discredit us. We have addressed every accusation they can think of on our website, which has a great search function, or you can email if you can't find the rebuttal to the nonsense they spew. More here:

Meet the Celebrities who share our passion for saving big cats here;

Tags: Wildlife Sanctuary

Address & Contact

12802 Easy St
(813) 920-4130
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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