The Canon City Queen Anne “Fine Dining,” Restaurant, Tea House and Antique Store
(719) 275-5354
813 Macon Avenue, Canon City, Colorado 81212
"Fine Dining" which creates "Moments of Magic and Memories," featuring multi course dining experiences.
Looking for a different way to celebrate your special occasion, holiday, birthday, anniversary or family event in a new and memorable way?
Look no further than the Canon City Queen Anne Restaurant and Tea House.
Celebrating special events and occasions is our specialty.
Call now or go to our website for all the details.
(719) 275-5354
813 Macon Avenue, Canon City, Colorado 81212
Serving Elegant Afternoon/Lunch Teas Daily, Monday - Saturday
(Sundays reserved for private parties.)
11:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m.
Serving Elegant High/5 course Dinner Teas
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Open Monday - Saturday
(Sundays reserved for private parties.)
All Teas served in a 1889 Historical Victorian
structure or on the "Veranda," (weather permitting)
in historic downtown Cañon City, Colorado.
The Queen Anne:
Is a Specialty Events Center
Has Monthly Baking/Cooking Demonstrations /Classes
Has a Antiques/Tea Treasures Store
Visit Our Antiques/Tea Treasures Store which is open during all Teas and by Private Appointment.
Tags: Fine Dining Restaurant