Children of the Earth was established in 1990 as an international US tax exempt, 501(C)(3) corporation. Visit us on the web at:
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COE Europe Group:
Dr. Nina Meyerhof founded Children of the Earth, which invests in youth from around the world to become spiritually conscious leaders for the advancement of a peaceful and sustainable earth. Nina is a global visionary and a leader in the realm of bringing forth the voice of youth.
Children of the Earth (COE) supports two major programs. The first is the establishment of COE Chapters, which bring the concepts of ethical living into action by supporting projects within their communities. Our second program is the operation of World Spirit Youth Council Hubs, which build the youth spiritual movement for social change.
There are currently 30 established Chapters focused on humanitarian work and established Hubs focused on Spiritual work. With hubs and chapters all around the world, the youth connect with each other, weaving a web that bridges all personal, cultural, national and religious divides.
In conscious collaboration, only youth can make the difference needed to build future sustainability and balance within our social, economic, and political systems. Youth, awakened, united and given voice, can offer new models of hope
Tags: Charity Organization