Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. To book phone, Skype or email coaching:

Dear Friend,

My name is Corey Wayne, and I am a Life and Peak Performance Coach. I help men and women to achieve their dreams, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break thru their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight, regain balance in all areas of their lives (including personal finances and wealth building), etc.

I also have the unique specialty of helping men to meet & date the type of women they’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships, how to get a girlfriend, or how to get their wife or girlfriend back. I also coach women on how to make their relationships what they’ve always wanted or to find that one true love.

I work with professional athletes, musicians, CEO’s, Doctors, sales and business professionals, military veterans (active and retired), business owners, professional coaches, and of course your average Joe and Jane Six-pack :)

I will coach anyone who has a sincere desire to break thru their own fears and limiting beliefs (known or unknown) to make their greatest dreams, goals & outcomes a reality.

If you would like to inquire about how I can help coach you to be at your best personally, exceed your wildest expectations of what you are capable of and to see if you are a good fit for my phone coaching program, send me an email and include your name, contact number, best times and days to contact you, and the time zone/country you are in. If I think you and I are a good fit and I accept you into my phone coaching program, we will schedule further sessions at that time based upon your most important goals and outcomes.


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