College and Career Decisions - (267) 269-3391

CCD provides decision consulting services to high school & college students and working professionals who are trying to determine the best institution.

CCD provides decision consulting services to high school & college students as well as working professionals who are trying to determine the best institution to fulfill their academic and professional needs.

With regards to students who may have access to Guidance Counselors assisting in matching a student’s needs with a range of alternative academic institutions, the final choice of alternative can often be quite difficult and protracted. This is because there are several factors e.g. program ranking, campus security, tuition cost, city commute, each with their own levels of importance to the decision-maker, that add to the complexity of the decision.

With regards to unemployed and working professionals who may have access to coaches who assist in matching an individual’s needs with a range of alternative professional institutions, the final choice of alternative can often be quite difficult and protracted. This is because there are several factors e.g. career prospects, organizational culture, cost of living, home-to-office commute, each with their own levels of importance to the decision-maker, that add to the complexity of the decision.

Tags: Educational Service,Business Consultant,Educational Consultant

Address & Contact

37 Terrell Dr
Washington Crossing
(267) 269-3391

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