Creative Flow - (518) 569-3769

A Studio of Arts and Inspiration located in the heart of the Adirondacks at Tupper Lake at 24 river

Call 518-569-3769 to a book a class or appointment

Experience the creative flow
Experience the Creative Flow, a studio of arts and inspiration, with Beading Beauty at Greiner Photography at its grand opening, Friday, July 12, from 11 am to 7 pm.
There will be a brunch and snacks all day, as well as refreshments.
Karen Ryan will be playing the guitar and singing in the evening and people will be able to sign up for classes in painting and beading, which will start this month.
Greiner Photography offers a full service family portrait center and will be booking appointments for family portraits this summer and fall.
Mr. Greiner said, “We wanted Tupper Lake to have an Art Center where folks can create jewelry and paint or draw.”
Scarves, purses and new lines of beads and crystals line the walls of what was once the local Montgomery Ward store,run by Don Donah.
Later it was the scene of part of the film “Recreator” The laboratory was in the basement. The upstairs was a hardware store with street shots out the window, computer generated.
Now the place literally sparkles with jewels and chains and gifts of all sorts.
“We had lots of people helping us move and we have wonderful friends,” said Karen Greiner.
Greiner Photography recently applied for and was awarded a microenterprise grant to help expand the business.
“We have been located at 35 Wawbeek Avenue for the past 11 years. We felt the need to expand because we actually have grown out of the other space. We loved it there. It was a quaint little location, but it was off the path of the main business district. We did have a great landlord but we also really like our new landlord,” Mr. Greiner said.
Paintings line the walls, finally in a space of their own. Cards, and prints of all the paintings are for sale. New watercolor paintings are always appearing throughout the year.
Karen went to bead classes in Plattsburgh, learning five of the basic stitches. She took off from there.
She started teaching people to do the stitches and weaving. But other people loved stringing the beads so she taught that too. Eventually she developed projects that incorporate stitching and weaving, along with stringing.
“We have a good following of customers and friends who come in all the time,” she said.
“Now we plan to have longer hours of operation, especially in the summer. We’re opening daily from 11 am to 7 pm and will see where that takes us. It may change in the winter months,” Mr. Greiner said.
In the back is a photo studio for baby photos, family and senior portraits. It’s a good place to get a passport photo taken.
“We feel the crystals and beads give off a good energy and make you feel like being the building with it. Just imagine how good they feel on your neck,” Karen said.
Karen usually has a group of gals (and guys) who come in and take classes. “Its just fun!” she exclaimed.
Brides come in and make their jewelry for the wedding. Sometimes she’s had the whole wedding party in there making jewelry for the wedding.
Kids classes and birthday parties are offered. All the kids make a project and take it home with them.
“We’re always open for new ideas and this is just phase one of our grand opening, the couple said. “This place will always be changing and offering new fun activities.”
The new line of scarves and purses and accessories as well as vintage jewelry make it feel like a boutique, art and photo gallery and teaching space all in one.
“We plan to have a large computer monitor in the window, which will show a continuous slide show of Adirondack scenes, and local events and happenings,” Newt said.
“In a separate workshop in the back we plan to do mattings and framings. We hope that other artists will come in and utilize our services,” he added.
“In one section we plan to carry a small line of art supplies, like some paints, watercolor, acrylics, brushes, and canvas. So a person on vacation can come in and buy supplies to make a painting while they are here. We also have a line of sketch books and pencils for drawing. You can also take a class on drawing,” he continued.
“Photo restoration is another lane we’ve gone down in recent years. With new computer equipment and latest Photoshop technology its amazing how good even a damaged old photo can be made to look like new again. To some degree they make great gifts for someone who might have an old photo that’s seen better days to look good again,” Newt expounded.
For the past month and a half the windows in the store at 123 Park Street have been covered by drop cloths and anticipation has grown in the neighborhood. This week the window display will finally be ready and it will look like a store.
Newton designed a sign for out front and found a place online to just upload the picture as a JPEG and it came back as signs and banners.
“We’re hoping to see resurgence in the Tupper Lake business district,” he said.
“We started the studio because we wanted a place to work and create and share the space with others to create and enjoy. We do it because we love it and Tupper Lake needs a creative place,” Newt said. “The grant helps us offer this to the community.”
Greiner Photography was one of 5 local Park Street businesses to be awarded a microenterprise grant.
Bima’s Restaurant will celebrate its grand opening on the same day. Casagrain Studio, the State Theatre, Mattoon’s Sunflour Bakery, Stacked Graphics and the Smoking Horseshoe Smokehouse are the others who are joining the established business in the community with enhanced services.
“We are looking forward to hiring at least one employee as finances allow, and we may be able to open the photo studio to other photographers as a place to work as well,” Newt said.
“We plan to offer seminars in photo techniques and some kind of a photoshop club or classes to learn new things,” he continued.
“Being surrounded by the vibration and light of crystals is good for the soul. Many crystals are said to have healing properties and sometime you can just feel the energy in them when you come in. That atmosphere lends itself to a sort of spirituality and we may start offering meditation or maybe a drum circle, depending on interest,” Karen said.
“This is also a place of positive vibration and we may entice different bands or musicians to come and play from time to time,” she continued.
Come in Friday and visit the new place and “feel” the creative flow, 123 Park Street. For further information about classes, appointments or gifts please call (518) 569-3769 or 518-651-5001 or Call 359-7644. Peace

Tags: Arts & Entertainment

Address & Contact

Now at 24 river road. Near the river
Tupper Lake
(518) 569-3769

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