Crossing Your Bridge

Crossing Your Bridge is about making people feel special when facing life-changing events through hope-filled solutions.

Why You Should Contact Crossing Your Bridge?
If you are dealing with AGING PARENTS:
What if my parent has a stroke?
What if my parent passes away?
What if my siblings and I disagree on the care of our parent?
What if my parent lives in another state?
How can I help my parent maintain a healthy lifestyle?
What if if I have to sell my parent's home?
If you are dealing with DIVORCE:
What if I don't want the divorce?
What if I don't know anything about my finances?
What if I need help finding a good attorney?
What if I don't know my rights?
What if I don't know what I should be fighting for?
What are the steps that I need to take now that my spouse wants to divorce?!
If you are facing a DEBILITATING ILLNESS:
What are my medical choices?
How do I know who I can trust to give me health advice?
Holistic vs. traditional medicine - which route is better?
Learn more how diet contributes to health
What support groups are available for me?
If you are SURVIVING DEATH of a spouse:
What if I need help deciphering insurance?
What steps do I need to take with Social Security Administration?
What do I need to do regarding pensions?
Where do I live?
Who can help me make these important decisions?
Are there support groups available?
Should I hire an attorney?
Should I hire a tax accountant?
Do I need a financial planner?

WE HAVE THE ANSWERS!!! Our gift is to answer YOUR questions and create a plan!

Our Name
Founder, Meredith "Kit" Bromfield, came up with the name "Crossing Your Bridge" because most of her life she would hear people say “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it." She realized that people had a tendency to avoid things that they perceived were unpleasant or had no clue how to handle. She realized the significance of this saying as each year of her life completed and those bridges that she wished to avoid became a part of her life.

Our Logo
Hummingbirds symbolize stamina and perseverance showing us that we can go the distance without becoming depleted. Because hummingbirds can see from all angles, they remind us to expand our perceptions and acknowledge the beauty we create in ourselves in everything we learn.

During the courtship of hummingbird partners, a female creates a luminous arc or bridge to connect her life to another. This helps bring our own awareness to our life lessons that we may be avoiding.

Bridges can signify challenge, but they can also offer hope. A red bridge represents a significant event. The height of the bridge is high and has the feeling that it would be helpful to walk across it with someone who knew what was on the other side. If you notice, the color of the bridge changes from dark to lighter and brighter as you walk from left to right.This represents hope of a better tomorrow. The waterfall on the right represents flowing joy and abundant life, and these are the gifts we want to give you for allowing us to help you cross your bridge.

Our Crossing Your Bridge Team Helps...
• Explore Solutions
• Support Change
• Target the Right Questions
• Erase Fear
• Empower Change
• Motivate to Action
What is a Dialogue Team?
A team of qualified and trained professionals created to answer questions regarding taxes, legal, financial, healthy living and legacy concerns and questions.

What Does a Dialogue Team Do When They Come to a Location?
Each member is allotted 5 minutes or less to introduce themselves. The remaining time is allocated for answering questions from the audience. There is no promoting of products or services. The only agenda is a service to the community in answering questions and in some cases supply the questions that someone needs professional help from.

The power of the group is to understand how to be prepared for the unexpected events that occur in one's life and who you will need when you are facing this life-changing event.

Tags: Women's Health,Religious Organization,Personal Coaching

Address & Contact

PO Box 933
Palmer Lake
Consulting/Business Services

Map & Directions

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