Bernita Conway is the founder and president of Dayspring. She believes that all who declare the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord are able to GO where God calls them to GO, DO what God tells them to DO, and BE what God calls them to BE.
Through the tender mercy of our
God, with which the Dayspring
from on high has visited us to give
light... Luke 1:78, 79
Dayspring is a multi-faceted ministry whose purpose and mission is to equip,
train and release the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. The
Dayspring meetings are held at The Meeting Place, which was designed by the
blueprints of heaven. You can experience the blessings of an Open Heaven!
Many individuals have been and continue to be trained to GO to the nations
and DO the work of the ministry. Ministry team members are encouraged to
minister in a variety of ways and settings to utilize their unique gifting.
9:00am Intercessory Prayer
10:00am Worship Service
After service on the 2nd Sunday of each
month is food Sunday. All bring enough
food for your family and we all share a
meal and have fellowship!
7:00pm Prayer Meeting
These are glorious times in the presence
of the Lord!
Come, partake of the Glory!
You are due for a Divine appointment at Dayspring!
Meeting and gatherings are held at the Meeting Place. All are free of charge. We look forward to seeing you on the mountain top. Continue to look for other special events happening this month and the days to come.
Tags: Religious Organization