Dolci & Weiland is a premier criminal defense and civil litigation law firm, known throughout DuPage County and the Chicagoland area.
Dolci & Weiland’s success hinges on an extraordinarily thorough review of evidence and deep expertise and skill in trial litigation. What makes Dolci & Weiland unique is that, unlike other firms which handle hundreds of cases, we only take on a certain number of cases at a time in order to give our clients the individual attention not found elsewhere. The Firm accomplishes this by using highly focused team approach in preparation, investigation, motion practice and trial presentation.
Dolci & Weiland’s knowledge of how to evaluate and present a case to a jury is unparalleled within the legal industry. Clients know that Dolci & Weiland fights hard, a reputation that surrounds the entire case, affects perceptions of all involved, and often creates outstanding resolution opportunities.