Embrace Grace - Mankato - (952) 240-9137

Embrace Grace Inc. is support for girls with crisis pregnancies who chose LIFE.

As Christians step out of their comfort zones and use their voice for those who have none, more and more girls are thinking twice about having an abortion. New laws are being enacted that make the mother view the sonogram and hear the heartbeat of their unborn baby at least 24 hours before undergoing an abortion procedure. This window gives them just a little more time to really process the choice they’re about to make. And because of these changes, more babies are being saved.

This is a good thing right?

Of course it is. It is a GREAT thing. Lives are being saved. But what happens after a girl finally makes the difficult decision to follow through with the pregnancy? A lot of times, she has nine lonely months of worry and fear. Friends distance themselves, and her family may even turn their backs on her. The father of the baby might just run because he can’t handle the pressure. What happens to this girl that made the brave and courageous decision to keep her baby when the world has turned away?

Embrace Grace Inc is an organization formed for the purpose of providing emotional, practical and spiritual support for single young girls that find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last because of shame and guilt. We provide curriculum for the churches as well as offer grants to organizations that may not be able to afford the expenses involved with helping young women with crisis pregnancies. If the church, the body of Christ, would join together to support these girls that choose life, young moms will be more open to not abort their baby. Whether they keep their baby or place for adoption, Embrace Grace is a support system for them as they begin their journey of being a young mother or blessing another family with their baby. Emotionally and spiritually healthy mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. Through the Embrace Grace program, lives are saved and generations are being changed. God loves these babies and their mommies and we do too.


Address & Contact

1124 N River Dr
North Mankato
(952) 240-9137
Non-Profit Organization

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