ENT Associates of Roseburg LLC - (541) 677-3400

As of May 14, 2015 we will be the only doctors in town offering allergy testing and treatment.

Dr. Schreiner and Dr. Yun of ENT Associates of Roseburg have been providing allergy testing and treatment for their patiens for eight years. Our doctors are certified through the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy. We are now looking to expand our allergy department and are open to new patients in our allergy department.
What is an Allergy?
Allergy is a condition, often inherited, in which the immune system of teh affected person reacts to something that is either eaten, touched, or inhaled. The patient's immune system reacts to this substance as if it were an "enemy invader". This reaction leads to symptoms that often adversely affect teh patients work, play, rest, and overall quality of life.
What are symptoms of Ear, Nose and Throat Allergies?
Sneezing, Runny nose, nasal itching and rubbing, nasal congestion (stuffiness), frequent throat clearing, mouth breathing, diminished/lost sense of smell/taste.
Allergy Testing
The first step in the diagnosis of allergies is a thorough history and physical examination. Diagnostic test, such as skin test or blood test, provide similar information and confirm what your history tells the doctor.
Skin test in most situations, are preferable because (1) the results are available immediately, (2) they are less expensive and (3) they are more sensitive to subtle allergies.
What is immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy is often recommended for people whose allergy symptoms do not respond to medications or those who want to limit medications. The purpose of immunotherapy is to decrease or eliminate your body’s response to a particular allergen. This is done by injection a very small amount of the extract of allergen or group of allergens into the skin. The amount of extract is increased over time. Your body then begins to make protective antibodies. Once you reach a maintenance level the frequency of injections may be reduced. Treatment can continue for 3-5 years or until your symptoms have been eliminated or significantly reduced.

We currently limit our practice to inhaled allergens only and do not test for, or treat, food allergies.

Tags: Allergy

Address & Contact

2423 NW Troost St
(541) 677-3400

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