Erven Avenue Baptist Church - (815) 673-2070

Our goal is to love God, love others, and to serve the world. Please join us as we strive to attain this goal.

Erven Avenue is a Multi-generational church reaching the nations for Christ. We help you worship and grow then go tell the world about what you are experiencing. EABC is dedicated to helping you do those four things. Whether we help you by providing opportunities to be 'On Mission', with Bible Studies or by giving you opportunities to serve around the church; Erven Avenue will help you find your place in The Kingdom.

Welcome to our church.

Erven Avenue Baptist Church is affiliated with Three Rivers Baptist Association, Illinois Baptist State Association and The Southern Baptist Convention.

We believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. We believe in the Trinity, the virgin birth of Jesus, total depravity of man, and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe the church is a visible assembly of baptized believers gathered together for the purpose of carrying out the Great Commission (Acts 1:8), that the church has Christ as the head, the Holy Spirit for her guide and the Bible as her only rule of faith and practice.

We believe in baptism for believers only, and that by immersion, administered by the authority of the church, and that the Lord's supper is a memorial ordinance of the local church.

Tags: Baptist Church,Religious Organization

Address & Contact

1 Erven Rd
(815) 673-2070
Church/Religious Organization

Map & Directions

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