Experience Nia with Julie Wylie - (512) 791-6597

Passionate Living & Healing Choices

Your heart is pounding....
You're burning fat....
You're strengthening your core....
You're toning muscle....
You're creative and expressive....
You're relaxed and calm....
Your body is thanking you....

sharing from students:

"The answer to "What's Nia" is probably never the same from any two people.
Here was the definition I shared in class recently: Do you remember how as kids we used to play and play and have such a great time and we would be hot and sweaty but no one thought of it as exercise?
It was just playing and fun and we never thought, "Now I need to go lift weights and run five miles". Well, Nia feels exactly like that. It's like playing with friends while having the time of your life.
There's always this point that I think, "Huh? Why am I sweating?" Oh yeah! I'm working out- but it's not working out. It's playing and dancing and there's no right or wrong because it's all about joy.
The music is inspiring and you never feel like "Oh no- she's on the left foot and I'm on the right"- or if you do, you remind yourself that it makes no difference.
It's SO COOL and I could totally do an infomercial."
Sandy Kugelman Oct 2009

"Nia is essential to my well-being."
Paula Mixson March 2013

Tags: Dance Instruction,Physical Fitness

Address & Contact

7107 Meadowood Dr
(512) 791-6597

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