Falls Cleaning Products LLC. - (920) 846-4830

Falls Cleaning Products LLC.

What We Offer:

Falls Cleaning Products LLC., offers high quality cleaning products at reasonable prices. Our formulated products work safely and effectively in making your job, less stressful. We focus on industrial, restaurant, and institutional industries. By manufacturing and directly selling our products to our customers we have the opportunity to special blend our cleaners to fit your toughest cleaning problems.

- Restaurant Cleaners
- Industrial Cleaners
- Institutional Cleaners

For full list of chemicals please visit our products page at the link below:


All our products have been tested and proven to work since 1960’s…

Company Background Info:

Here is a bit about the company…

Falls Cleaning Products LLC., came into business in 1996 after buying out Falls Chemical Products Company. Falls Chemical Products had been around ever since 1961 and specialized in making restaurant cleaners. They were also sub labeled for ReinHart Food Services, one of the biggest food distributing companies around. Since then Falls Cleaning Products LLC., has been providing high quality cleaning products for many areas within Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.

Falls Cleaning Products LLC., continue making restaurant cleaners and in 2003 expanded to making Industrial Cleaners as well. Over the years, Falls Cleaning Products LLC., has improved all the Restaurant Cleaners. We have also developed a new line of industrial cleaners that are extremely effective in removing or cleaning ink.

Falls Cleaning Products LLC., provides their customers with the opportunity of custom blending to help solve their toughest cleaning problems. All products sold by Falls Cleaning Products LLC., can be sold directly to the customers. In doing so we are able to save money for our customers and provide them with Top Quality cleaners that meet their needs.

Thank you for your support, if you have any other question please give us a call.

God Bless,

Falls Cleaning Products LLC.

Tags: Manufacturing,Gas & Chemical Service,Commercial & Industrial Equipment

Address & Contact

123 Caldwell Ave
Oconto Falls
(920) 846-4830
Professional Services

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