Fells Point West

A newly formed Community Org

South side of Pratt Street
North side of Fleet Street
West side of Central Ave
East side of Broadway

Purpose of the Organization

The purpose of the Organization is to seek to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood in such matters as land use, environmental protection, historic preservation, public services, and promote civil participation. We are not required to be beholden to any government agency or city official.

1. Inform residents of the neighborhood about issues of general concern to the neighborhood through Organization meetings, email postings and other means.

2. Promote community safety through the dissemination of information, education and other means.

3. Advocate the preservation of the Fells Point West area as a historic residential neighborhood (R-8) free from the encroachment of industrial, institutional and other developments.

4. Promote a sense of community and foster social ties through neighborhood activities.

5. Encourage the enforcement and maintenance of zoning ordinances protective of the residential community (R-8).

6. Protect and improve the neighborhood by organizing clean up days, cooperate with city departments, and notify police of suspicious activities.

7. Encourage the enhancement of property value and aesthetics in the neighborhood.

8. Represent the interests of the neighborhood to relevant governmental and civic agencies.

** Once Official Launch will be in mid- late 2015

Tags: City Hall,Neighborhood

Address & Contact

Community Organization

Map & Directions

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