Fibers First Inc. - (208) 773-8384

Custom fiber processing for handspinners, animal producers and fiber artists. Producing quality hand spinning rovings to the customer's specifications.

At Fibers First we specialize in producing quality hand spinning rovings to the customer's specifications. All our rovings are processed through a pin drafting machine to create a consistent sized roving and remove as much debris as possible.

Natural or dyed fibers can be processed at Fibers First Inc.

While the cleanliness of the incoming fibers is important to the finished product, we strive to remove as much debris and contaminants as possible.

We offer fast turn around times.

We can process small batches so that each fleece can retain its individual characteristics. We can process large batches for fiber producers in order for them to be able to sell their roving to the hand spinners.

Different fibers can be blended at different processing steps to create a unique fiber that matches the artist needs. Just call and discuss what you would like or ask for suggestions.

Free return postage on orders over 5 pounds.

We have 20 years experience in the fiber world. Karen has been spinning yarn for all those 20 years. She has raised Romney sheep, Llamas, Angora Goats and Angora rabbits. She is the current President of the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Log Cabin Spinners Group. She has belonged to NwRSA (North West Regional Spinners Assn.) for numerous years and is currently the Eastern WA/ID/MT district director. Karen was committee chairman for the NwRSA judging and standards committee for the past 8 years. Karen's favorite activity is hand spinning yarn. With the start of this company, she will be working with fiber everyday and is excited to do so . She looks forward to meeting more people in the fiber world and seeing all the fiber coming through the shop. Give Karen a call and make your plans to get your fiber processed. (208) 773-8384


Address & Contact

5450-B E Seltice Way
Post Falls
(208) 773-8384
Local Business

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