Flex Coaching by Paige

'IIFYM/Flexible Dieting' Nutritional Coaching

Contact: iifymcoachingbypaige@gmail.com

IG: paigerz3


Hi! I'm Paige VanDemark- owner and trainer of Flex Coaching by Paige (nutrition, strictly). I work as one of the main coaches for the Facebook group "IIFYM WOMEN," founded by the brilliant Jessica Lyfelover! https://www.facebook.com/iifymwomen/timeline

Please email me to learn more about packages, pricing, and services at: iifymcoachingbypaige@gmail.com

I work primarily with women and use flexible dieting- 'If It Fits Your Macros'- to help my clients achieve their health and physique goals, whether that be weight loss, muscle gain, or anything, really!

I believe any physical transformation is just as much mental as it is physical, and I aim to help my ladies improve their bodies, their lives, and their love for themselves in a safe, healthy, and sustainable manner.

I am an ISSA certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist with a background in strength and conditioning, and I am working towards my ISSA Sports Nutrition certification, as well. I ran track and field in college and now compete as a raw, natural, 114-class powerlifter.

I come from an interesting background, I suppose. I grew up a family member who battled an eating disorder. Through what I saw, learned, and read in the media, I learned to believe that food was the enemy! Restriction and starving were the answers! How I never ended up with a very serious eating disorder, I’m not sure. Thankfully, as I got older and began learning more about both nutrition and, frankly, about life, I realized how *very* wrong all those beliefs were. Starving your body only leads to the most horrific and tragic consequences. Nothing good comes of that. Strength, balance, confidence, and health should be the goals. Your value is not determined by a number on the scale.

I know now not only how valuable health is, but also self-love, good relationships and happiness. My coaching is nutritional, sure, but so much more than that. If I can work with you to improve your nutrition AND your outlook on yourself and life, I’ve done my job.

Flexible dieting- the ONLY type that I utilize- consists of setting a reasonable caloric target based on an individual's specific needs (and goals) for each macronutrient- carbs, protein, and fat. The individual can then fill those daily number targets with what they want and ENJOY! Obviously, 'whole' and 'healthier' foods should make up a majority of one's intake, but the very principle of IIFYM is to reach your goals WITHOUT restriction. If going out to a nice restaurant 'fits your macros' that day, go for it! You can have bread again- and BUTTER on your bread... and even dessert (!) all while reaching your goals.


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