FRAGA Head Start - (706) 861-0105

Head Start/Early Head Start and Pre-K programs in North Georgia

Children in Head Start, Early Head Start and Pre-K attend classes four or five days a week in an environment which is conducive to learning. We encourage curiosity, exploration, problem-solving and self-expression. We assist children in developing a positive self-image. This is accomplished through active involvement with other children and learning to play together in a non-competitive atmosphere that includes successful experiences for all children no matter what skill level they may have achieved.
In Early Head Start, our classrooms maintain a staff/child ratio of 1:4 for 0-3 year olds. In Preschool Head Start, the staff/child ratio is 1:9 for three year olds and 1:10 for four and five year olds. Classroom activities include both group participation and individual choice. Children are encouraged to initiate activities, explore different ways of accomplishing tasks, recognize the self- worth of both themselves and others and relate to other children and adults. Children are also encouraged to develop skills in self-help through taking responsibility for their belongings, toys and equipment. They learn to sort and put away items before moving on to other activities.
Individual attention is given to each child every day. Structured and teacher-led times are balanced with child directed activities and outdoor play. A daily schedule is posted in the classroom. Lesson plans are prepared weekly and approved by the Center Manager/Center Supervisor. They insure that curriculum guidelines are met in an organized manner. Teacher/child interaction is an important part of the daily routine.
Our birth - five HS/EHS/Pre-K program uses Creative Curriculum which is aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework and meets HS Performance Standard 1304.3(a)(5). We also use additional resources to enhance Creative Curriculum. These resources include but are not limited to: Creative Resource for the Anti-bias Classroom, Kaleidoscope Multi-Cultural, and Second Step. Our prenatal program uses Beginning Guides curriculum and additional resources as needed. The curriculum is designed to include both parents.
All children are screened using a developmental tool within 45 days of enrollment. A social- emotional screening tool is used on an as needed basis. (HS Performance Standard 1304.2(b)(1))
All classrooms use an on-going assessment throughout the year to assess each child’s strengths and needs. We measure each child’s progress by reviewing their assessment and outcomes to plan individualize activities including children with disabilities. (HS Performance Standard 1304.3(a)(1)

Tags: Education

Address & Contact

403 Chickamauga Ave
(706) 861-0105
Non-Profit Organization

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