Ginger Hannah - Life Coach - (518) 527-6968

Individual life coaching and facilitator of "Create Your Best Life" group skillshops.

It is my passion to teach people how to envision and create their heart’s desires. I have been blessed to have discovered, during my life’s experiences, a 7-part Creative Process “formula” to “Create Your Best Life”! In 2006, I started offering life coaching and facilitating group “Skillshops” where I teach this effective process: 1) know and love yourself – be your own best friend!, 2) express gratitude for all your blessings, 3) affirm your heart’s desires with the words you speak 4) envision your heart’s desires, 5) release what no longer serves you, 6) act “as If” you already have your heart’s desires, and 7) have faith and be open to Divine guidance. My life coaching is based a great deal on the philosophies in the books You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. They have helped me overcome many challenges in my personal, professional and spiritual life. I have used these philosophies and the 7-part Creative Process “formula” to envision and bring into my life my amazing marriage to my Twin Soul, Will Hannah, beautiful friendships, my daughters, the home we live in, car I drive, many great jobs and teams to work with, and the Life Coaching and Create Your Best Life Skillshop Series!

While my BS and MS degrees are in the Education field, I was guided to work in the Human Resources and Training fields for over 25 years, in positions from Clerk to Director of HR, and in companies in manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and education. I held Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification. My most recent “corporate” position was at GE as a Training Coordinator for 4+ years. In 2002,

I became an ordained Spiritualist Minister after completing Holistic Studies Institute’s Spiritual Development & Meditation Classes and the Seminary Program. We also studied, practiced, taught and offered meditation as part of our services. I was one of four women ministers who were ordained at the same time to incorporate a small church called the Spiritualist Church of Love and Light. It had a very small but dedicated congregation that met in office space, but we grew and evolved together spiritually. While the church is no longer in operation, I still enjoy conducting weddings and memorial services, and speaking at Unity and the Church of Religious Science when invited.

I am A Course In Miracles student, Reiki Master and Therapeutic Touch practitioner. I am blessed to be able to use my teaching, facilitation, healing, spiritual growth and ministry skills in my life coaching and Skillshops. I am on a continual journey of fully awakening to the Divine Spirit of unconditional love and light we all are, and helping others do so as well. This is my greatest joy.

Tags: Business Consultant,Personal Coaching,Alternative & Holistic Health

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(518) 527-6968
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