Gulf Oil Disaster Relief US - 239*963*4595

educating the public on what is making this planet uninhabitable for Humans and Marine Life ( check out kcsunnyone and kapesun on youtube for my channels)

The goal of this page is relay information gathered worldwide and also firsthand on the condition of the air we breath, the food we eat, and the water quality in the Gulf and Loop Current as it goes up east coast and over to the North Atlantic Sea, covering closed beaches, deaths of mammals due to contaminants, fishkills, beach closings, sinkholes caused by the contaminant chemicals used to treat the spill (which still leaks).

Starting as a grassroots coalition of concerned people locally, this page still s that and covers the SW Florida area mostly, an area vastly neglected and mostly unaffected yet sand collected and tested on our beaches here is contaminated with the BP oil. The military has taken to the air to combat the oil and keep it of the sand but the air method takes a human toll so I cover health issues too. We have been neglected and left put of BP's reparations yet suffer the consequences of their acts daily still. The C-130 tankers dropping swaths of corexit and synthia for 300 mile length bands continually across the Gulf, the Navy creating special restricted zones for barge-based launches and chemical fogs that drift onshore and poison people.

Tags: Environmental Consultant

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5280 Doug Taylor Cir
Saint James City
Non-Profit Organization

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