Hungrymonk Yoga - (310) 325-0116

Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple Torrance is the main branch of Shaolin Temple China.

Hungrymonk Yoga is a new type of Yoga, created by Shaolin monk Wang Bo, this innovative form of yoga combines the deep power of Shaolin kung fu, the fluidity of tai chi, and the flexibility of yoga into a unique and intense experience.Based on the Buddhist principles taught at the Shaolin temple for over 1500 years, Hungrymonk yoga develops strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility that will enhance all your physical activities.

Hungrymonk yoga is based on the five elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. This form of yoga is to improve your body, inside and out. The physical movements develop the Jing, the Chi, and the Shen. Jing is the life force located in the core of the body. Chi is the energy – the breath of life. Shen is the combination of Jing and Chi; it is the divine power, or the supernatural healing energy.
Metal is the first element. It builds a strong, solid foundation in the lower body – your hips, legs, knees, and ankles.
Wood is the second element. Using the staff, these movements stretch the inner organs and the four branches of the body – your arms and legs.
Water is the third element. This makes your body fluid like water and strong like ice.
Fire is the fourth element. It burns the negative energy from the body.
Earth is the fifth element. It combines all the elements and brings balance, harmony, and grounding.

Tags: Martial Arts,Yoga & Pilates,Buddhist Temple

Address & Contact

2927 Rolling Hills Rd
(310) 325-0116
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