Iowa Pro-Life Action

Iowa Pro-Life Action (IPLA) was founded in 2011 to advocate for the lives of all unborn children here in Iowa.

IPLA assumes the biblical and philosophical starting point that an unborn baby is a baby from the moment of conception, created in the image of God. It is that simple.

This does not change or become any more real whether the baby is 1 day old or 39 weeks old.

As such, the baby has the same rights that you and I have to be “secure in our persons.”

Additionally, we hold that a baby, born or unborn, is not responsible for the means of his or her conception. We don’t believe in punishing the baby for the sins and/or crimes of the father. As such, babies conceived as a result of rape and incest have the same status as babies who were conceived consensually.

We agree with former US Surgeon General Everett Koop when he said, “Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life.” The ‘necessity’ for abortion is something that often times is foisted on nervous parents by a vocal set of doctors who have an unchristian agenda and use abnormalities in a babies’ development to encourage abortion.

The IPLA is dedicated to passing a Personhood Bill/Life at Conception Bill through the Iowa General Assembly. We will do this by mobilizing grassroots voters all across Iowa to insist that their representative and senator vote yes on Personhood/Life at Conception legislation.

As a non-profit, non-partisan single issue advocacy organization we will fight relentlessly to ensure that the politicians in Des Moines, of both political parties, support this important legislation. If not, we will work to educate and inform grassroots pro-lifers all over the state about that politician’s voting record.

Our members are doctors, farmers, pastors, carpenters, students, housewives, and others.

Feel free to join us today on our website or request materials using the tab on the homepage.


Address & Contact

PO Box 42143
Political Organization

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