
Predicting the evolution and non-linear motion of storm systems before they even exist. Atmospheric data analyses and forecasts from iWeatherNet.

iWeatherNet/Robbins Meteorological Consulting focuses primarily on forecasts for the Southern Plains and the Southeast, particularly the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and the Atlanta Metropolitan Area.

Chris Robbins is the founder of Robbins Meteorological Consulting and iWeatherNet. Chris is a professional meteorologist and holds an advanced degree in meteorology. He earned his master's and bachelor's degrees in meteorology, along with a minor in mathematics from the University of Oklahoma. He has published peer-reviewed papers in AMS journals, participated in AMS conferences, and is a peer-reviewer for some journals published by the American Meteorological Society. Chris is a member of the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Association, and an honorary member of the National Weather Service Employee's Organization. Chris is a very strong proponent of the National Weather Service and works in cooperation with them to relay official advisories, watches, and warnings.

Chris acquired specialized expertise in winter storm dynamics and prediction through his graduate research, formal publications, and 15 years of forecasting experience. He possess significant skill at forecasting all synoptic, mesoscale, and rare meteorological events.

Specific Forecasting Skills and Specialization:
● Winter Storm Dynamics
● Winter Weather Forecasting and Impacts
● Freezing Rain Prediction and Impacts
● Cold Air Damming Events in the Southern Appalachians
● Heavy Rain Events
● Convective Initiation/Evolution and Impacts
● Mesoscale Convective Complexes
● High Wind Events
● Landfalling Tropical Cyclones - Inland Forecasts and Impacts
● Rare Meteorological Events
● Climatology

Custom Consulting Services:
● Historical-event data analyses and documentation
● Expert testimony
● Custom forecasts for the commercial sector



Address & Contact

2600 East Southlake Blvd

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