Jarvis Automotive LLC - (860) 508-3741 cell - (860) 644-3333 business

Jarvis Automotive LLC
"We Care about Cars and the People who drive them"
Open Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 5:30PM

"We Care About Cars and the People Who Drive Them" Thats sums up Jarvis Automotive LLC -
We are a full service automotive repair facitlity meeting the demands of todays cars. With the technology and know how to stay ahead of breakdowns. We offer factory schedule maintenance at a fraction of the dealer costs but with the the experience of a ASE Certified Mater Mechanic. We also sell used cars and provide automotive consultations. We value people and focus on their vehicles needs not on $$. We know a trusting relationship with your automotive service provider is critical. Our goal to to provide clear honest information that allows you to make the best repair and maintennce choice for your vehicle. Call today to schedule an appointment. We offer referral discounts and oil change discounts.

Tags: Repair,Car Dealership, Consultant

Address & Contact

856 Sullivan Ave
South Windsor
(860) 508-3741 cell - (860) 644-3333 business

Map & Directions

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