Kidder Wrecking & Dismantling, INC - (603) 382-1422

Small company, BIG Competiton!

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Small Company...BIG Competion!

We are a General Demolition & Dismantling Contractor Based Out Of Plaistow, NH. We Serve All Of New England & Are Equipped To Complete Any Scope Of Work!.
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Kidder Wrecking was Est. in 1971 as an official demolition and dismantling outfit. before 1971 Kidder Wrecking worked close with its roots which began in the 1930's. Roscoe Kidder the 1st laced up the boots and put on the gloves as a carpenter in Haverhill,Ma , dismantling buildings by hand and salavging the materials (i.e Plywood, planks, windows doors etc.) and reusing them in his construction projects. in the late 40's his son Roscoe Kidder 2nd moved up the ranks taking over the dismantling and salavging side of the business. side by side father and son worked rain or shine to make liveing for themselves and a life for their family. it wasnt untill roscoe kidder the 1st passed and left the family business to his son. Roscoe (Butch) Kidder quickly made a name for himself as the Demolition expert! through the 60's right up to the 90's Kidder Wrecking has been new England largest and most successful family ownde business. moving from Haverhill, Ma to Plaistow, NH Kidder Wrecking now sits on 52 Acres of land and operates in numerous states stretching from RI to Maine and Vermont. now in the new century Roscoe has his new breed of demolition experts in his sons Shawn & Dan Kidder. together they have been groomed by their father and have shown what it takes as well as incorporated ne ideas to the demolition industry that will continue to make Kidder Wrecking grow and hold its rank against the best companies in the business!

Tags: Excavation & Wrecking,Contractor,Automotive

Address & Contact

247 Main St
(603) 382-1422
Professional Services

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