Lean Functional Muscle - Strength is more than just muscle.
Do you admire lean mass physiques over bulky bodybuilder types? Does the Bruce Lee type of slim but incredibly strong physique appeal to you? This is the place for you.
Lean Functional Muscle will offer training programs for you to reach an incredible level of strength even without having a huge size, or being "genetically gifted" with muscle.
With the knowledge you obtain from this page, you'll be able to maximize the strength of the muscles you already have, burn fat, build even more muscle, and advance toward a permanently healthier lifestyle.
Website: http://www.leanfunctionalmuscle.com/
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/morethanmuscle/lean-functional-muscle/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoreThanJustMuscle
Twitter: www.twitter.com/seekpower