Lewisburg Listening Post

Mentoring & social counseling services for youth in Lewisburg, PA

The Lewisburg Listening Post is a school-based team group mentoring service that provides a safe, relaxed, and enccouraging environment to students at the Linntown Intermediate and Eichhorn Middle Schools. Each team of mentors consists of 2 Near-Peer Mentors (Bucknell University undergraduates). The Near-Peers' relative closeness in age to the students being served allows them to relate well to the students' concerns but respond from the perspective of several more years experience. Our Near-Peer Mentors meet with groups of students (no more than 7 students per session) during lunch periods on a daily basis in a designated Listening Post room at each school. The majority of students that utilize the Listening Post "self-select" (come by choice), but some students are assigned by school guidance counselors, special needs staff, or faculty members to come to the Listening Post for an extra layer of support. The Lewisburg Listening Post and its Near-Peer Mentors build trusting relationships with students that facilitate positive peer interaction, development of problem-solving and decision-making skills, and provide primary intervention/prevention by identifying serious issues and making referrals to guidance department and/or administrative staff.


Address & Contact

301 Market St Unit 1
Non-Profit Organization

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