Mason Classical Academy - (239) 227-2838

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q: What is a charter school?
A: Charter schools are tuition-free public schools that operate under a performance contract, or a “charter” which frees them from many regulations created for traditional public schools while holding them accountable for academic
and financial results.

Q: Do charter schools take money away from public schools?
A: Charter schools ARE public schools. However, they receive less funds per student than non-charter public schools.

Q: Can charter schools pick and choose the brightest and best college-bound students?
A: First and foremost, parents CHOOSE to send their children to charter schools. Further, charter schools and their eligibility requirements are determined by Florida statutes which require them to accept every applicant. Mason Classical Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs. When enrollment exceeds the school’s class size capacity, a random lottery is required.

Q: When will Mason Classical Academy open?
A: MCA will open K-6 in August 2014, the same day other
Collier public schools open.

Q: Which grades will Mason Classical Academy have?
A: MCA anticipates evolving into a K-12 school by 2017.
The Academy will open with grades K-6 in 2014. Grades
7 and 8 will be added in 2015. Grades 9 and 10 will be
added in 2016. Grades 11 and 12 will be added in 2017.

Q: Where will Mason Classical Academy be located?
A: MCA will be located in Naples. The Academy’s
Founding Board is exploring several preferred locations on Livingston Road and Collier Boulevard.

Q: What is Classical Education?
A: Classical education depends on a three-part process of
training the mind. The early years of school are spent in
absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for
advanced study. In the middle grades, students learn to
think through arguments. In the high school years, they
learn to express themselves. This classical pattern is
called the trivium.

Q: What is the trivium?
A: The Latin word trivium means “three roads.” Ancient and medieval education was structured around the trivium,
which consists of these three stages: grammar - skill in
comprehending the facts; logic - skill in reasoning out
relationships between these facts; and rhetoric - skill in
wise, effective expression and application of the facts and
their relationships.

Q: What types of technologies will Mason Classical
Academy utilize in its classrooms?
A: No reliable research demonstrates that technology
improves student achievement as it relates to learning.
Computer classes will be offered, but you will not see
laptops or iPads on every desk.

Q: How will Mason Classical Academy prepare its
students for the FCAT?
A: MCA’s basic outlook on standardized testing is three fold. First, MCA does not “teach to the test,’ because the “test” is much less rigorous than MCA’s curriculum. Second, MCA expects the test to reveal much of what we already know. Third, since the FCATs themselves are rather limited, we must keep in mind what real assessments measure, not what a standardized test from Tallahassee or Washington D.C. measures.

Q: Will Mason Classical Academy require its students to wear uniforms?
A: Yes, all students will be required to wear uniforms at

Q: How does Mason Classical Academy’s curriculum
differ from the other public schools in Collier County?
A: MCA will use Singapore Math, Riggs Phonics and the
Core-Knowledge Sequence. Textbooks will merely
supplement the coursework. Primary sources will rule
in the classroom.

Q: Will Mason Classical Academy follow the same
academic calendar as the other Collier Public Schools?
A: Yes, MCA will follow the same academic calendar as
Collier Public Schools

Q: What kind of Gifted Program will Mason Classical
Academy offer?
A: The curriculum at MCA will be academically rigorous
for all students. MCA does not label its students and
will not have a separate program which labels any of its
students. However, MCA will offer Advanced Placement
classes in grades 9-12. The Singapore Math Program
provides for ability placement during the Math block.

Q: Will foreign language be offered in the elementary
(K-6) grades?
A: Yes, Spanish and informal Latin will be required.

Q: Will students’ parents have to volunteer their time at Mason Classical Academy?
A: Yes, parents will be encouraged to volunteer monthly.

Q: How many students will Mason Classical Academy
A: When the Academy has fully expanded into all grade
levels (K-12), the facility will accommodate 564 students.

Q: Will Mason Classical Academy hire certified teachers?
A: Florida statutes require charter schools to hire certified teachers. However, certified does not necessarily mean qualified. MCA will conduct a national search for teachers. The Academy's teachers will be required to have a college degree in their field and the Academy will review the applicants' transcripts to ensure they successfully completed appropriate coursework.


Address & Contact

3073 Horseshoe Dr South
(239) 227-2838
App Page

Map & Directions

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