Meg Moore - Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant - (863) 781-2351

Tired of the waiting for your polish to dry while you have a million other things to do, but still want awesome nails? Try Jamberry!!

A very truthful "about me" and how I became a Jamberry consultant.

I am not a “home party” girl and I’m really probably not a very good sales girl. Until now, I hadn’t found a product that I felt warranted the price or hype that comes with many of these types of direct sales companies. Cue Jamberry. I heard about Jamberry almost 3 years ago. I even had a sample that sat in a drawer for a year until I finally threw it away. In the last month, I have participated in a couple online parties (which are totally fun!) and I finally tried a sample and took the 7 day challenge. That set off a whirlwind of trying, buying, and joining as a consultant. It was truly a “seeing is believing” experience for me, and let me tell you, I am now a believer! Jamberry nails are adorable, affordable, durable, and easy to apply. And now I want you to be a believer too! If you want more info, send me a message and we can talk!

Tags: Shopping & Retail

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(863) 781-2351

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