A Boutique Consulting Firm Serving Small Businesses and Start-Ups http://mgg-consulting.com/
Mike Grottola together with the company’s alliance partners collectively have hundreds of years of business experience to support and guide decision makers to effectively monetize their business ideas. MGG leverages technology and business education, business and patent legal specialties, comprehensive accounting, innovative marketing, and years of operational excellence reflected through MGG’s staff and alliance providers. Mike oversees and provides advice, strategic direction and action plans for startups and small businesses, across a broad range of markets. MGG specializes in delivering big-business capability scaled to meet the unique needs of startups and small businesses, improving their odds of success.
Additionally MGG Consulting, positions start-ups and small companies to raise capital. MGG has researched what investors need to know and how they want to hear fund requestors pitch their ideas. Inquire about their Investor Plan and its companion Investor’s Pitch Deck.
Clients range from first time start-ups, experienced businesses looking to expand or start new ventures, and established companies seeking funds for that “special” project.
Tags: Business Consultant