Middlesex County Democratic Organization - (732) 906-3680

Our organization has earned a great record of success in helping to elect Democrats at the federal, state, county and local levels.

The Middlesex County Democratic Organization is governed by the elected Committeemen and Committeewomen who are accountable to the registered Democratic voters of the county. Those Committee members elect a Chair each year, and other officers. In turn a salaried Executive Director and other officials are appointed by the Chair.

The Organization has adopted, and periodically reviews, a Constitution and By-Laws.

It is said that, "Candidates make speeches but organizations win elections." This is certainly true in Middlesex County where our organization has earned a great record of success in helping to elect public officials at the federal, state, county and local levels.

The strength of any organization is reflected in the strength of its volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to participate in any Democratic contest at any level of government, please contact our Organization at (732) 906-3680.

This is the FB Page for the Middlesex County Democratic Campaigns! Please check back frequently for ways to get involved, learn more about our candidates and stay informed!

Tags: Organization

Address & Contact

231 Bridge St
(732) 906-3680
Political Organization

Map & Directions

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