Moab Chamber of Commerce - (435) 259-7814

The Moab Area Chamber of Commerce represents and serves businesses and professionals seeking to grow our local economy and improve business climate while maintaining quality of life and fostering cooperation with business, government, and community.

The Chamber is a voice for business in Moab, representing the interests of hundreds of business owners and community leaders in Moab. The primary purpose of the Moab Area Chamber of Commerce is to ensure economic success and sustainability for your business and improved quality of life for our community. For more information, see the enclosed description of member benefits that range from business promotion to advocacy in our community and beyond.

The Chamber office is located at 217 E. Center Street, Suite #250. Please provide us with brochures about your business so that we may distribute them. The more informed we are about your business, the more we can inform others!

The Moab Area Chamber of Commerce holds monthly membership luncheons the second Tuesday of every month at various restaurants in town. These lunches provide an opportunity for you to network with other business owners or managers and spread the word about your business activities and future goals.

We invite you, as a new member, to introduce yourself and your business to the Chamber membership at one of the first luncheons you attend. Please call the Chamber office at 259-7814 to be added to a future lunch agenda. We welcome your membership and input!

For information or issues regarding membership, please email Pam Seep at or call (435) 259-7814.


Address & Contact

217 E Center Street, Suite 250
(435) 259-7814
Community Organization

Map & Directions

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