Nepal Youth Foundation - (415) 331-8585


The Nepal Youth Foundation was founded by Olga Murray in 1990. It has an office in Sausalito, California, USA, and conducts its programs throughout the Himalayan country of Nepal.

NYF's Programs Make a Lasting Difference

• Rescuing Girls from Indentured Servitude
NYF’s Indentured Daughters Program frees girls who were sold into virtual slavery, brings them home, and gives each family a piglet or goat. NYF is working to end the tradition of enslaving girls.

• Saving Children from Severe Malnutrition
NYF's innovative Nutritional Rehabilitation Homes treat severely malnourished children and educate their mothers about nutrition and child care, making the program's impact sustainable.
• Psychological Counseling for Needy Children
The Ankur Counseling Center is breaking new ground by providing therapy for disadvantaged children in Nepal.
• The New Life Center for Children with HIV/AIDS
The New Life Center provides lifesaving treatment to children with HIV/AIDS while teaching their parents how HIV-positive people can lead full, meaningful lives.
• Nepal's First Training for Dieticians
NYF is developing a completely novel training course tailored for Nepali people. The curriculum will include HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and severe malnutrition, which are common in Nepal.

• Loving Homes for Destitute Children
J and K House are loving, supportive environments for children who are orphans, disabled, or abandoned, which provide them with unimagined opportunities.
• Student Housing
Some children must walk for eight hours to and from school every day. NYF's student housing will reduce the drop-out rate and give students enough time to study.

• Vocational Education and Career Counseling
Unemployment in Nepal is around 50%! NYF's pioneering program enables children to identify their strengths, find careers, and be self-sufficient.
• Scholarships for Impoverished Youth
Education is the key to breaking free from poverty. NYF educates thousands of children in day school, boarding school, and college, including many disabled students.
• Community Programs
NYF uplifts entire communities by training teachers, building classrooms, and improving schools, to improve the quality of education the children receive.
• Empowering Girls of the "Untouchable" Caste
NYF's Empowering Dalit Daughters program gives scholarships to highly talented "untouchable" girls. They will change the roles of women and "untouchables" in Nepali society.

Random Acts of Kindness
NYF reaches out to help the needy in Nepal, wherever we find them. Sometimes the simplest act can radically change a child's life.


Address & Contact

3030 Bridgeway, Suite 202
(415) 331-8585
Non-Profit Organization

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