Norton Singers - (508) 457-5023

A community theater entertaining audiences since 1945.

Norton Singers Board of Directors for 2014-2015
President: Anna McReynolds
Vice President: Judee Bottomley
Treasurer: Don Powers
Recording Sec: Joan Geddry
Corresponding Sec: Anna Faiella
Members at large:
Heather Carey, Joanne Roche, Myra Schwartz,Tina-Marie Thompson, Peter Turner, Melissa Franklin, Dianne Coco, Tim Griffin and Ty Waterman

Is the Norton Singers just for singers?
Definitely not! Community Theater is just that – a community where everyone’s skills are of equal importance whether they are on stage or behind the scenes.
We need anyone who can plan activities, lead committees, build and paint scenery, design and sew costumes, as well as dancers and people to write press releases.

No one is turned away from the Norton Singers. We believe that everyone can lend value to our group and its productions.

How do I join the Norton Singers?
You can become a member of the Norton Singers by filling out a membership form and enclosing your check of $50 for a single membership or $75 for a family membership (available for family members living under the same roof). Membership forms can be found here:

What is Expected of Me as a Member of The Norton Singers?
Support for the activities of the group. You may not want to be on stage, but we can always use help in many of the production staff activities, such as: backstage hands, ushering, publicity, and other previously mentioned activities.

Each year all members are invited to attend an annual meeting to discuss business and future plans of the group and to elect a slate of Officers and a Board of Directors.

All members are welcome to attend monthly board meetings to express their views and opinions.

Is there an age requirement?
No. We accept all ages into our group.

Tags: Theater

Address & Contact

26 E Main St
(508) 457-5023

Map & Directions

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