Oak Grove Patriots - (803) 821-0100

Oak Grove Elementary School students will become creative, caring, productive, and responsible learners who will excel in the future.

Oak Grove is situated on forty acres of land and designed to house 730 students. Currently there are 29
regular classrooms, 4 special education classrooms, a gym, art room, music room, media center, 2 computer labs, and a cafeteria to provide for approximately 460 students. A new wing with classrooms and a multipurpose room was completed in the spring of 2007.
Student needs are met by a principal, two assistant principals, one librarian, two guidance counselors, and
39 certified staff. Certified support staff includes a Literacy Coach, a math Coach, Technology Integration Specialist, a Interventionist, Psychologist, and ESOL teacher. Supportive personnel include one secretary, four clerical assistants, twenty-eight instructional assistants, one nurse, a lunchroom manger, four food service workers, and a custodial staff of four.
In addition to the required curriculum of the defined minimum program from the State Department of
Education, band, strings, foreign language and a gifted program are offered at Oak Grove Elementary.
Special education resource classes are provided for students who are speech, language, and learning
disabled. One self-contained class for trainable mentally disabled students ages 5-8 is housed here. The Autism program serves students ages 3 to 8 here at OGES. These classes are run according to the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. OGE also has one Applied Behavior Therapy room that serves these children with autism. Itinerant teachers provide for the needs of orthopedically, visually, and hearing disabled students. A 4-year-old inclusion kindergarten program is offered here as well. Programs mandated by the Basic Skills Act, the Education Improvement Act, and the Early
Childhood/Academic Assistance Act are in operation.
Oak Grove Elementary has continued to meet all standards from the State Department of Education since
1974 and from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools since 1981. In 1991, Oak Grove was
the first elementary school deregulated in Lexington District One. The deregulation status continues. Oak Grove received a Good Rating on our School Report Card. Oak Grove has been a Red Carpet Award winning school since the 2002-2003 school year. We also received the Palmetto Gold Award for improvement in our PACT test scores. In 2008, Oak Grove met all requirements for the State Departments Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) Report.


Address & Contact

479 Oak Dr
(803) 821-0100

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