Olive Branch Fellowship, Inc - (580) 332-4700

Messianic Congregation with a focus on educating fellow believers on the Hebraic Roots of their faith.

What? ANOTHER church in Ada? Do we really need that?
Hold your horses, there, pardner! Olive Branch Fellowship is not just “another church.”
Olive Branch Fellowship, Inc. was formed from a passionate desire to share the Hebraic Roots of Christianity with fellow believers.
I already go to Church.
HalleluYAH! Olive Branch Fellowship is not interested in taking you away from your Church home! We simply seek to serve as an additional place of education and fellowship for Ada’s entire church community.
We believe that your faith will be greatly enriched by learning more about the Hebraic (Hebrew) language and culture of the Bible. We also believe that the Body of Messiah will be enriched as people from many churches come together to learn and fellowship during our classes, events, and Saturday worship services.
So, keep worshiping, participating, tithing, and fellowshipping with your Church family, as the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kodesh in Hebrew) leads you to do. Most of our activities will not interfere with your usual church schedule.
We meet on Saturdays for a Sabbath service, which includes Praise and Worship, Davidic (or Hebraic) Dance, and a study of the scriptures that Yahshua/Jesus and His disciples read and taught from (what your printed Bible calls the “Old Testament”).
In addition to our weekly Sabbath service, we will have learning opportunities throughout the year to help you further your understanding of the Bible, and deepen your Faith. These will include classes on various Hebraic Roots subjects, and observances of the Holy Days that Yahshua and his disciples kept. We also hope to have a Hebrew language class in the near future.
Why is Hebraic stuff important?
Think about your closest friends for a moment–the people who really “get” you. They understand where you came from, and what you have been through during your life. Even though they may not have lived it with you, they have taken time time to listen to your life story, ask questions, and get to know you. That means a lot to you, doesn’t it?
Now, think about this:
God made His Covenants with the Hebrew people–known as “Israelites,” which included the 12 Tribes of Israel, along with any “foreigners” or “gentiles” who wanted to join with Israel and follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
God chose Hebrew authors to pen His Word, the Bible.
God even chose the family line of King David, a Jew (of Judah, one of the 12 Tribes), to bring forth Jesus Christ (Yahshua Ha-Mashiach in Hebrew).
Yes, in case you missed it, Jesus (Yahshua) walked the earth as a Jew, lived, ate, dressed, and even acted like a Jew. Jesus followed the Commandments of God, and taught his followers to do the same.
Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time learning more about where God is “coming from?”
Speaking of Hebrew… Do I have to learn Hebrew to participate with you?
No, not at all. Here at Olive Branch, you will encounter–and even learn–some Hebrew from many of the songs we sing, and from various scripture readings and studies presented during the services and other classes. No, you’re not going to learn to speak fluent Hebrew during our Sabbath services, but you will pick up bits and pieces that will help you look more deeply into the scriptures than you ever have before.
By the way, who are you people?? Are you Jewish?
Most of us at Olive Branch Fellowship do not claim to be Jewish. We do, however, have a love for Israel and its people–all 12 tribes– whether in the Holy land, or scattered abroad.
We are a group of very flawed, “Grafted In” (Romans 11) human beings who worship YHVH (Yahweh, Yehovah, Yahuah) the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 6:2-3).
We believe that Yahshua/Jesus is the Living Word of God, that He Existed in the Beginning, and that He is God (John 1:1).
We believe that our salvation is from God (Psalm 68:20), through Yahshua (John 10:9).
We strive to keep the Commandments (Torah, instructions) of God as a sign of our love for Him (John 14:15).
We believe that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8), and that He changes not (Malachi 3:6).
We believe that the ENTIRE Bible is true and relevant to us today.
We believe there is JOY and FREEDOM in obedience to God’s Word.

Tags: Religious Organization,Christian Church

Address & Contact

600 W 9th
(580) 332-4700
Church/Religious Organization

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