Omedizen Acupuncture - (206) 246-8830

Holistic Healing with Acupuncture; Chinese Herbal Formula; East Asian Medicine; Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

Diane Yeh (葉家怡) L.Ac., EAMP, Dipl. O.M. |Acupuncture|Chinese Herbalist|East Asian Medicine|Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
“To keep the body in good health is a duty because without health life is not life. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your compassion and affection.”
Dr. Yeh is WA licensed and NCCAOM certified East Asian Medicine Practitioner & acupuncturist & Chinese herbalist with over 15 years experience in healthcare. She is a graduate major in Microbiology from University of Washington in Seattle, WA and received her Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. She is bilingual fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese; currently learning Russian and Italian.
Diane worked for many different hospital & medical facilities from Microbiology Labs to Pharmacy for over 12 years. Most stunning being that she had served the United States as an outstanding with distinction honorary United States Navy field Corpsman specializing triage in field trauma. Through her endeavors, Diane became glaringly conscious of the numerous patients who have been neglected for better health either due to lack of coverage, deficiency in the commitment from the health care team or scarcity of the resources in the patient’s community.
In 2009, Diane pursued in the field of holistic medicine and enrolled in school for Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine to become a practitioner, so that she could be part of the shifting landscape for healthcare in the U.S. She is dedicated to not only helping patients but anyone dealing with discomfort in mind, body, & spirit levels and embraces the Traditional Chinese & Holistic Medicine as a means to provide the care for many acute or chronic conditions’ need. After graduation in 2011, she participated in China internship at Chengdu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to further her studies and knowledge in TCM. In 2013, she joined forces with Hwazan Buddhist Foundation out of a dream to make this form of healing accessible to populations that are either underserved or those who do not have exposure to Chinese Medicine. By establishing this free acupuncture clinic, Diane is now able to realize some of her dreams.
While in school Diane studied Qi Gong, Tai Chi, & foot reflexology. She continues to advance herself by studying aromatherapy using essential oils, facial acupuncture, and practice daily meditation. In her free time she enjoys listening to meditation music and sutra, reading mantra, listening to the sound of ocean, and travel.

Tags: Acupuncture,Alternative & Holistic Health

Address & Contact

16704 International Blvd
(206) 246-8830

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