Patriot Airsoft

Patriot Airsoft is Ventura County's Only official indoor Airsoft Field.

Patriot Airsoft is a Safe and professional place to practice the sports of airsoft.

You may fill out your waiver online ahead of time at

M4 Rentals $15.00
Mask Rentals $5.00
Vest Rentals $8.00

Patriot Airsoft is dedicated to providing a safe and friendly environment for all players. Here are some pointers to help you out when visiting Patriot Airsoft.

All players who are attending Patriot Airsoft must have their weapons in a approved Gun case or carrying system, brandishing a weapon in public is a serious matter and all airsoft weapons must be treated with same respect as real ones.

All players must be 10 years or older. We have the right to request proof if the player doesn't look of age.

If You are under the age of 18, Full face protection is required and you are NOT allowed to wear Mesh only eye protection. If you are using mesh type eye protection you are required to have some sort of second layer underneath such as ballistic glasses or goggles.

All weapons must be put through a Chrono test to make sure it is safe to use in a CQB or Close Quarter environment. The Maximum FPS or Feet per second your gun is allowed to have is of 350 with a .20 gram bb. This is a maximum set by the Insurance company and will not be changed for any player. Guns that consistently do not measure at 350fps or less will not be allowed in the field. Patriot Airsoft has approved AEG's available to rent upon request.

All weapons are subject to be tested as per the discretion of the referees and staff of Patriot Airsoft. Once passed the test please do not attempt to modify you weapon in an way to fire more than allowed. If you are caught doing so you will not be allowed to play.

We only allow approved BB's. Glass, marker, powder, or paint BB's are considered a major violation of the rules. If found to be using these BB's you will be removed from the premisis.

Theft will not be torrerated and you will be permantly banned from the field. We will also contact other local fields to have you banned there as well. Intentional damage to the field is under the same catergory and just as severe. You should be aware that we can not police your property and items should not be left in the open unsupervised.


Safety Rules

1. Safety briefings will be given through out the day and ALL players are expected to participate.
2. Protective eye wear must be on at all times when inside the playable area.
3. Weapons inside the ready must be on Safe at all times and are not allowed to have the magazines or clips inside them or have the ability to fire.
4. Absolutely no firing is allowed inside the ready area, there are designated testing areas in the field where you can fire your weapon.
5. While not in a game do not point your weapons at any other person.
6. Grenades are allowed in the field, must not be played with inside the ready room, and may only be set once on the field.

The referees and staff at Patriot Airsoft are their to make sure everyone has fun and is safe, please do not hesitate to speak to one of us to make your experience more pleasurable.

In Game Rules
(Maximum field capacity is of 50 players and when having a larger group we will designate an Alpha/Bravo system)

1. 10 Feet is the minimum engagement distance and no shooting shall occur inside this space.
2. When inside 10 feet and surprising a player you may use BANG, BANG, surrender or melee kill.
3. When within 10 feet and both players aim at each other they are both automatically out.
4. When approaching a enemy and using a melee kill you are NOT allowed to perform any type of aggressive maneuvers, only a soft tap on the persons body will suffice.
5. Melee weapons over 1 ft long are not allowed.
6. When using a melee weapon one side arm must be available at all times.
7. Grenades are limited to one per person per round.
8. Blind fire is not allowed at any time and you will be warned.
9. Friendly fire does count, so if you are hit, you are out.
10. Ricochets and Gun hits DO NOT count.
11. You may only use pistols when wielding dual weapons.
12. All weapons must be fired at a horrizontal level from the ground.
13. There is a zero tollerance policy for fighting or bullying . You will be removed from the premisis.

Tags: Gun Range,Arts & Entertainment

Address & Contact

1260 Rancho Conejo Blvd
Newbury Park

Map & Directions

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