Patterson Masonry - (610) 312-6459

Call Today (610)312-6459 so we can discuss your next Masonry Project! To me it's more than a job, it's my passion! I look forward to hearing from you....

I started this page to generate maximum exposure. Life takes us our separate ways but thanks to Facebook keeping in touch with family and friends is no longer so difficult.
I started my business a few years back in hopes to create a better life for me, but had a hard time getting it off the ground as expected.
Here we are today, I have not yet failed nor do I plan to as I continue pushing towards success.
So I encourage you to take a look into my life, see the talent I possess and the knowledge I've obtained. I am proud of my accomplishments!
That's a brief look at me on a personal level, on a business level I am a Masonry Contractor licensed and insured who is willing and able to work with you on upgrading your property with a wide range of beautiful works of concrete, flagstone, stucco, and stone veneer.
Give me a call, a chance, take a step out of your comfort zone, go out on a limb and trust me to do right by you, as you will not find anyone more passionate about their work and it's quality then myself. Thank You for your time and consideration.

Tags: Masonry,Contractor

Address & Contact

(610) 312-6459
Local Business

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