Pennsylvania Educational Estate Advocacy Services - 814-242-7682 or 814-322-6027 or 814-414-0560

The PEEAS is a free educational organization dedicated to providing individuals and small business owners with the options to preserve their estates.

Estate and Retirement Planning

The knowledge that we are mortal is one of the things that seem to distinguish humans from other living beings. At the same time, no one likes to dwell on the prospect of his or her own death. But if you postpone planning for your demise until it is too late, you run the risk that your intended beneficiaries — those you love the most — may not receive what you would want them to receive whether due to extra administration costs, unnecessary taxes or squabbling among your heirs.

This is why estate and retirement planning is so important, no matter how small your estate may be. It allows you, while you are still living, to ensure that your property will go to the people you want, in the way you want, and when you want. It permits you to save as much as possible on taxes, court costs and attorneys’ fees; and it affords the comfort that your loved ones can mourn your loss without being simultaneously burdened with unnecessary red tape and financial confusion.®-ph-d/12/61a/504/

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Providing understandable answers to your tough questions:

Are my estate documents up to date?
Should I give my house to my kids?
How should I title my assets for nursing home expense protection?
Are they in the right product to pass on to my heirs?
How do I save probate costs 100%?
How do my heirs save on paying excess inheritance tax?
What can I do to help my heirs in paying this tax?
What is a living trust and why do one?
How do I best set up plans for Special needs individuals?


Specialized estate document educational preparation
Estate planning for asset protection; Annuities, IRA’s, etc.
Education about Medicaid eligibility.
Preservation of assets nursing home & Long Term Care Products.®-ph-d/12/61a/504/

Tags: Estate Planning,Educational Financial Planning

Address & Contact

965 Lloyd Street, Suite 1
Nanty Glo
814-242-7682 or 814-322-6027 or 814-414-0560

Map & Directions

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